Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Walker's two month checkup

We had Walker's two month checkup with Dr. Pielop yesterday. The doctor took one look at him and told me I was holding up my end of the breastfeeding bargain... Walker weighed in at 13 pounds, 12 ounces and went up from the 50th percentile in weight to the almost 90th percentile. I have noticed the last few days that his onesies and diapers are not fitting anymore so I guess he hit a major growth spurt this week!

Walker still has some thrush in his mouth so the doctor gave us a prescription for a different medication that will hopefully take care of it. It doesn't seem to bother him but it has spread to me and has bothered me some when he nurses. Hopefully the new meds will clear it up.

We talked about sleep training with the doctor as we have had a few rough nights lately. Our pediatrician is okay with letting babies cry it out and says he has done that with all three of his young boys. He says as long as the baby is full and has a clean diaper then it's okay to let them cry for a bit when you put them in bed. It's hard to do but I know Walker needs to learn how to sleep and it's up to us to teach him. We had a much better night last night than we did the previous few nights and feel a little more rested today. I swaddled his legs before putting him in his bassinet and I think he liked that. He cried for a few minutes when I put him down and I went in there to calm him a couple times before he finally went to sleep around 8:30. He woke up at 12:30 and 5 to eat but went back to sleep in his bassinet pretty easily after both feedings, which was a huge improvement from the night before. We'll see how tonight goes!

To see his newborn check in, click here. You can really see how much he's fattened up since then!

I mean, look at those rolls!!

Taking his oral immunization before his three shots. He did good; cried a little of course but then I nursed him and he was happy again!

And just for fun, a comparison of Walker at 2 months vs. Brady at 2 months: 


  1. Oh my goodness, I love those rolls!

  2. Haha! He's a completely different baby from when I saw him last :( he's grown so much!!! Love those rolls!!!!!
