Friday, February 26, 2016

Brady's big boy room!

Well, we had a very exciting weekend! We made the transition from nursery/crib to big boy room/bed! It has gone more smoothly than we thought it would. Brady slept in his big bed for the first time last Friday night and he has done every nap and night in that bed since then. He hasn't tried to escape to come downstairs and does his normal reading in bed then falls right to sleep. We built up the big boy bed thing and he has really taken to it. He loves his new room and bed!

He points at these letters and says "B Brady, B Mama, B Koko". He knows names of people with all the different letters but he thinks they are all called 'B'.

We got him a little wooden tractor/trailer as a present for moving to his big boy bed and staying in there every night. He absolutely loves it. We are so proud of him for making the transition so easy for everyone! I kind of thought he would get out of bed quite a bit, especially since he had started climbing out of his crib, but he stays in bed when we put him down at night and doesn't get out until we go upstairs to get him in the morning! 

Walker and I went to wake him up from his nap the other day and I laid Walker down beside him. When Brady saw Walker, his face lit up and he rolled over next to him to nuggle. Sweetest! 


  1. Omgggggggg!!!! Amanda his room looks AWESOME!!! I love it! Can you come do Eli's?! =) I am so proud of him for being such a big boy! He looks soooo big in these pictures! Can't wait to see it and him soon!!

  2. How is Brady is this big!?!
