Monday, September 25, 2017

First day of MDO 2017-18

Brady and Walker started their little Mother's Day Out program last week. They will go on Tuesdays/Thursdays to a program at our church. They were both so excited and walked right into their classrooms with no reservations!  

We dropped Walker off first, and before we left Brady gave him a big ol' hug and told him to have a good day!

Brady excitedly telling Walker about his day when I picked them up:

We went for ice cream after school, which they of course loved!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Real life firefighters!!

We had a nice surprise from our local fire department the other morning! They were across the street checking on an older lady that lives over there so we sat outside and watched the lights go, and when the firefighters came out they asked Brady and Walker if they wanted to get a picture by their fire truck. The boys were a little shy but we ended up getting a picture of Brady with one of the firefighters.

After they left we were talking about how nice they were to us and decided we should take them some homemade cookies! A couple hours later we were at Fire Station 49 delivering chocolate chip cookies to our favorite firefighters!

We are so impressed with our firefighters. They've been working so hard lately trying to help our city recover from the flood and were still kind enough to make our boys feel so special.