Thursday, June 30, 2016

Walker's 6 month checkup

Walker weighed in today at 20 pounds, 10 ounces and a little under 28 inches long. His percentiles are all in the 90%'s which is no surprise given that he is an incredibly chunky little thing.

The doctor visit went well. We talked a lot about starting Walker on solids and how much breastmilk he will require as we make the transition. I have had supply issues the last couple weeks and I've been concerned that I won't be able to make it a year like I did with Brady, but Dr. Pielop said once Walker starts getting a significant amount of real food, he can have as little as 7 ounces of milk and as much as 24 ounces and still be well nourished. I feel encouraged after talking to the doctor and will continue to work on getting my supply back up. He said we have a perfect baby!

Brady got to come with us and had a big ol' time playing peekaboo with the nurses outside our room. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Walker - 6 months!

Well, our little Walkie is 6 months old today! I almost can't believe it. These first six months have been fun and exhausting. It's been so interesting to see the difference in Walker as a baby vs. Brady as a baby. For all their differences, though, they have many similarities... I'm noticing those more and more as I look at old blog posts from Brady at this age!

Here are some fun things about Walker at 6 months:

- He got two teeth this month. Cute little bottom teeth!

- He is in size 3 diapers but they're really too small for him. We'll be moving to size 4 really soon.

- He is very ticklish on his ribs, neck and chest. He laughs so much when we tickle him.

- His smile... oh my goodness... he's got a little bit of a crooked smile and he smiles with his eyes big time. This reminds me of Blake; it's one of the things I loved first about him when we started dating.

- He has been talking/singing a lot lately. He's got this cute high pitched voice and he'll just look at me and make his singing sound constantly. That's when I know he's really happy!

- He rolls both ways now so he's starting to figure out he can get from one side of the blanket to the other. I'm sure he'll be rolling all over the place pretty soon.

- Speaking of rolls, he has lots of them. Like, a lot. People tell me all the time that they've never seen a baby with more rolls. 

- Because of that, you'd think he's a great eater... and he has been until recently. He is still nursing but seems to be less and less interested in it lately. He's not too big on solids yet either so I'm not sure how he's filling up... He did enjoy the taste of popsicle I gave him yesterday, though!

- He really loves watching Brady play. Brady can make him laugh hard, definitely more than anyone else can!

- He's very wishy-washy on his sleep. Sometimes he will sleep through the night (hallelujah!) and other times he'll scream when we put him down then cry several times throughout the night. I'm hoping when he starts eating more solids he'll start sleeping more consistently. We had a good run for several weeks but the last couple weeks have been really off. He's not using a sleep sack anymore and seems to be fine not being swaddled.

- He has started sucking his thumb a little more lately. He only sucks his right thumb, just like Brady. Still takes a paci if we give it to him but usually just plays around with it. 

He is trying to sit up on his own and is almost there. He kind of does the tripod thing right now (holds himself up with both of his hands out on front of him), but he really is so close to being stable on his bottom.

Happy half birthday, Walker!

And just for fun, here is the blog post from when Brady was 6 months:

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Walker's newborn pictures *by Kerri O'Neal Photography*

Well I'm only a little late on these, right?! Here are the beautiful pictures taken by my talented sister at Kerri O'Neal Photography. She's the best! 

Here is a link to the blog post Kerri did with our pictures: