Tuesday, April 9, 2013

15 weeks!

How far along?  
15 weeks.
How big is baby? 
He's the size of an apple! 
Total weight gain/loss?
About 10 pounds, give or take a few.  This has not been my favorite part of pregnancy!
Maternity Clothes?
Not yet, but getting close... I'd probably feel a lot better if I would just break down and do it. 
My mother-in-law took me shopping for maternity clothes the other day and we got a really cute top, but my belly just isn't quite big enough yet!
Stretch Marks?    
 Thankfully, no.  I just ordered some lavender tummy oil that's supposed to keep those suckers at bay.  We'll see.
It's hard to come by some nights, but overall I'm sleeping alright.  The last couple weeks have been weird because I can't sleep on Sunday nights, but most of the other nights I'll sleep fine.  I guess the baby doesn't like going to work on Mondays.   
Miss anything?  
 Control of my appetite.
I have felt a few little flutters but not enough to know whether or not it's the baby.
Food Cravings?
Chocolate milk - by the gallon.  Poptarts - could eat them all day long.  And the most recent development - anything with lemon squeezed on top.  Cucumbers, gummy bears, laffy taffy, you name it, I want it.  With lemon lime salt on top.  Can't get enough.
Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Blake made jambalaya the other night that smelled pretty terrible.  I usually LOVE jambalaya.  Other than that, no.  I've been really lucky in avoiding the pregnancy nausea.
Have you started to show yet?   
Depends on who you ask.  I can definitely tell.  I'm kind of in the stage where it just looks like I ate too much.  Which I did.
Boy!! A little mini-Blake! Can't wait to meet him.
Labor Signs?  
Belly Button in or out?  
In, and hopefully it will be for awhile.
Ask my husband.
I'm thirsty ALL the time.  And I'm having 'round ligament pain' (or RLP, as my dad and I have coined it), which is basically just cramping due to the stretching of my uterus.  Apparently it means baby is growing!
Wedding rings still on?
Yup, thankfully!
Best moments of the week? 
Being home last weekend for Easter!  We had a weenie roast, crawfish boil, banana pudding (at the baby's request, of course), and all kinds of other stuff.  The whole fam was there, minus my sister and brother-in-law.  It was a wonderful weekend.