Monday, February 29, 2016

Walker - two months!

Walker is two months already! He's growing so much and weighed 15.2 pounds when I weighed him last week. Here are a few notes about Walker at 2 months:

- He really focuses in on things and has started responding more to our facial expressions. He's smiling with more intention.

- He is really trying to find his thumb but hasn't had much luck. Last night he was sucking so hard on his hand/wrist; it had Blake and me laughing so much. I hope he finds it soon!

- He is not a great sleeper. I'm still holding out hope that this will change, but for now he's still waking up twice each night. The hardest part for all of us, though, is how long it takes him to fall asleep. That, combined with the feedings, has really limited the sleep we've been getting lately... We are now swaddling his bottom half to see if that makes him more cozy and helps him to sleep better. Crossing my fingers!

- He is in size 2 diapers and size 3-6 month clothes. He's got lots of sweet baby rolls!

- He is starting to enjoy baths more. He likes it when I lay the washcloth across his chest and use a cup to pour water all over him. He chills out in the bath tub!

- He loves fans, being held, and going outside.

He voted with me last week!

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