Monday, February 29, 2016

Walker - two months!

Walker is two months already! He's growing so much and weighed 15.2 pounds when I weighed him last week. Here are a few notes about Walker at 2 months:

- He really focuses in on things and has started responding more to our facial expressions. He's smiling with more intention.

- He is really trying to find his thumb but hasn't had much luck. Last night he was sucking so hard on his hand/wrist; it had Blake and me laughing so much. I hope he finds it soon!

- He is not a great sleeper. I'm still holding out hope that this will change, but for now he's still waking up twice each night. The hardest part for all of us, though, is how long it takes him to fall asleep. That, combined with the feedings, has really limited the sleep we've been getting lately... We are now swaddling his bottom half to see if that makes him more cozy and helps him to sleep better. Crossing my fingers!

- He is in size 2 diapers and size 3-6 month clothes. He's got lots of sweet baby rolls!

- He is starting to enjoy baths more. He likes it when I lay the washcloth across his chest and use a cup to pour water all over him. He chills out in the bath tub!

- He loves fans, being held, and going outside.

He voted with me last week!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Brady's big boy room!

Well, we had a very exciting weekend! We made the transition from nursery/crib to big boy room/bed! It has gone more smoothly than we thought it would. Brady slept in his big bed for the first time last Friday night and he has done every nap and night in that bed since then. He hasn't tried to escape to come downstairs and does his normal reading in bed then falls right to sleep. We built up the big boy bed thing and he has really taken to it. He loves his new room and bed!

He points at these letters and says "B Brady, B Mama, B Koko". He knows names of people with all the different letters but he thinks they are all called 'B'.

We got him a little wooden tractor/trailer as a present for moving to his big boy bed and staying in there every night. He absolutely loves it. We are so proud of him for making the transition so easy for everyone! I kind of thought he would get out of bed quite a bit, especially since he had started climbing out of his crib, but he stays in bed when we put him down at night and doesn't get out until we go upstairs to get him in the morning! 

Walker and I went to wake him up from his nap the other day and I laid Walker down beside him. When Brady saw Walker, his face lit up and he rolled over next to him to nuggle. Sweetest! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Brady funnies

Brady is at an age right now where he says funny things All. The. Time!! I wish I could just bottle his little personality up and save it forever. He is so funny and so, so sweet. One thing I love most about him is his love for entertaining people. If he says something that makes us laugh, he'll look around at everyone laughing and then say that thing again. And again and again. He loves to make people laugh! Here is a conversation I had with him last night before bedtime. We were just rocking in the chair talking and started playing the 'favorites' game.

Me: Brady, what's your favorite color? 
Brady: Red. And yellow.

Me: Favorite number?
Brady: Pive.

Me: Favorite game?
Brady: Backetball.

Me: Favorite room?
Brady: My big boy room.

Me: Favorite train?
Brady: Kevin. And Thomas too and Clarabelle too and Annie too!

Me: Favorite dog?
Brady: Weela.

Me; Who is your favorite mama?
Brady: Babe!

I got a kick out of this last answer and started laughing real hard which prompted him to respond "Babe" to every other question I asked.

This morning we made smoothies ("moobie") and were drinking them in the playroom. I finished mine before he did and he looked in my cup and said "Mommy you done? You want some of mine?" How sweet!

Brady loves to eat hummus. He says "More punnus Mama!" 

This morning I was sitting in the living room with Walker, who was in his Bumbo, and Brady ran in there and said "Walker you pooping??"

Yesterday evening we were all hanging out in the living room and Brady put his little legs under the blanket and said "Mama I cooozy!" He loves to get cozy and will crawl up in the chair while I'm nursing Walker to 'nuggle'. He burrows himself in with us and says "Mommy we need blanket!" He takes after me with the cozy thing.

Another funny thing is that we had a mosquito hawk in our house recently and now after bathtime each night Brady comes downstairs and says "Where Mr. Pawk?"

Also, earlier this morning I was watching Brady from our bedroom - he was standing at the door looking out the window. When he caught me watching him he said "There you are! I lost you Mommy. I was looking for you!"

Well, gotta go, Brady just ran in here and said "Mommy, wanna nuggle?!" Yes, yes I do.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Walker's two month checkup

We had Walker's two month checkup with Dr. Pielop yesterday. The doctor took one look at him and told me I was holding up my end of the breastfeeding bargain... Walker weighed in at 13 pounds, 12 ounces and went up from the 50th percentile in weight to the almost 90th percentile. I have noticed the last few days that his onesies and diapers are not fitting anymore so I guess he hit a major growth spurt this week!

Walker still has some thrush in his mouth so the doctor gave us a prescription for a different medication that will hopefully take care of it. It doesn't seem to bother him but it has spread to me and has bothered me some when he nurses. Hopefully the new meds will clear it up.

We talked about sleep training with the doctor as we have had a few rough nights lately. Our pediatrician is okay with letting babies cry it out and says he has done that with all three of his young boys. He says as long as the baby is full and has a clean diaper then it's okay to let them cry for a bit when you put them in bed. It's hard to do but I know Walker needs to learn how to sleep and it's up to us to teach him. We had a much better night last night than we did the previous few nights and feel a little more rested today. I swaddled his legs before putting him in his bassinet and I think he liked that. He cried for a few minutes when I put him down and I went in there to calm him a couple times before he finally went to sleep around 8:30. He woke up at 12:30 and 5 to eat but went back to sleep in his bassinet pretty easily after both feedings, which was a huge improvement from the night before. We'll see how tonight goes!

To see his newborn check in, click here. You can really see how much he's fattened up since then!

I mean, look at those rolls!!

Taking his oral immunization before his three shots. He did good; cried a little of course but then I nursed him and he was happy again!

And just for fun, a comparison of Walker at 2 months vs. Brady at 2 months: 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Brady meets Walker

Of all the special and memorable moments we had in the hospital during Walker's birth days, the one where my two sons met is absolutely the one that stands out the most. As soon as we found out we were pregnant with Walker we dreamed about the type of big brother Brady would be. And when we found out Walker was a boy we were both so excited to give Brady the best gift we could ever give him - a little brother. We made big plans for their relationship and we looked forward to their meeting for several months, talking to Brady about his brother and building up the excitement to when he would finally meet him. And boy was their meeting everything I dreamed of. Brady was so gentle and sweet and it just melted me. 

Here he is waiting to go in the door to see baby Walker! (Note the adorable door hanger that Koko made for Walker)

You can just see in his sweet face how proud he is of his brother. I could cry just looking at these pictures!

Kisses for Walker. He still does this alll the time!

"Walker have eyeballs!"

Precious boys.

We got the boys matching elephants and Brady a big brother book. 

My people. Oh how I love them!

I just love this picture of happy Daddy!

He kept asking to hold Walker. He just thought Walker was the sweetest little thing.

He loved laying in my hospital bed and pressing the buttons to move it up and down, up and down. Shocker, huh? :)

Fun in the hospital waiting for Mama to get discharged.

Since our hospital stay Brady likes to point out the hospital when we go for a walk (you can see it from our house) and say "I go see Brady and Walker at hospital!" I think he has good memories of that place. :)