Friday, March 24, 2017

Walker - 14/15 months

I haven't posted an update on Walker in awhile but I have scratch notes from the last couple months so I'm just going to transfer those here so that we can look back on them and see what he was up to!

-Stands in front of the refrigerator and says "juice".

-Any time he hears an airplane or helicopter he points to the sky.

-LOVES to play chase! He gets such a kick out of being chased around.

-Holds hands up and says "dada"? Calls everything 'dada' 

-Loves to swing, and is not happy when someone else (ahem, Brady) is in his swing outside!

-Is starting to 'run' (walk really fast). It is the funniest thing. Blake calls it his pterodactyl walk.

-Has approximately 1,000 teeth and counting. I have never seen a one year old with such a mouth full of teeth!

-Loves to feed Willa. He shares everything with her! He also likes to hug her, kiss her, lay on top of her, etc. Basically if he is in her personal space then he's happy.

-Gives kisses and hugs. When I say 'night night, Walker!' he leans in with his head and goes "mmmm-ah!"

- Dances when music comes on. He made a pretty good showing at our church's Fat Tuesday celebrating dancing while the band played!

-Roars like a lion, moos like a cow.

-Understands most of what we are saying. Follows directions well (get your shoes, where's your juice, etc)

-Smiles with his entire face, and we still get comments on that all the time. He is such a charmer!

-Loves to wrestle with Brady. He thinks Brady is just the best! Loves playing with him.

-Looooves to be cozy! Is getting more and more attached to his 'bae'.



- Is currently overusing the word 'absolutely' (says atsolutely). For example, "One day a sailboat was floating through the water. And atsolutely he sinked." or "The monster truck was driving through the mud, and atsolutely he got so dirty!"

- Will only wear his underwear backwards because he likes the big picture to be in front so he can see it. His teachers at school were quite confused by this at first.

- We were driving to school the other day and he wanted me to go fast and beat all the cars. I told him I couldn't go too fast because I didn't want to get pulled over by a cop. He looked around and said "Mom I don't see any policemen so why don't you just go ahead and go fast."

- Says "I will pretend (protect) it for you", "I will pretend Walker from the rain", etc.

- Despises wearing shorts or pants! He will take them off before we are all the way in the house, EVERY time we come home from somewhere. When we're getting him dressed, he will say, "can I just wear my underwear for a little bit?"

- We got home from school the other day and he said "I'm gonna take my shoes off for my feet can relax."

- Watches out for Walker. If he eats too big of a piece of something Brady will say "Mama Walker has a big piece!"

Monday, March 13, 2017

Sick babies :(

Last weekend we took the boys down to Bay City to see the rodeo, our thought process being that small-town rodeos are much more accessible than the huge Houston one, and also that we could spend some time with some of our best friends down there. Walker was fussy on the trip down but we didn't think much of it besides that he was being a typical toddler in a carseat...

We got there, played a little and ate dinner, then went to the rodeo. We saw the bull riding which they thankfully did first thing, then some calf roping, and all of the sudden Walker started projectile vomiting everywhere. Boy were we surprised!! We managed to keep it off of the ladies in front of us (shwew!) and Blake took him out while I gathered our things to leave. We got him back to Savannah's house where he threw up the rest of the night. Morning came after a long night and we brought him back home. What a miserable ride that was for him! 

We nursed Walker back to health and he went to bed Saturday night feeling a little better, but we woke up around 2am to Brady throwing up, which continued all day Sunday and into early Monday morning... 

By the end of the day Sunday every couch cushion was off and soaking in soapy water and we had run the wash about 20 times. I have never been more thankful to have a hands-on husband who isn't afraid to jump in and get dirty! When we got in bed Sunday night (with Brady right next to us), we laughed about what a crazy (and gross) weekend it was. We were both deliriously tired and ready to have this stomach bug behind us!

Brady was feeling better by Tuesday and thankfully Blake and I managed to stay well.  

Yes, having sick babies is awful. It is terrible to see them feeling so bad, and a hundred times I wished it was me throwing up instead of them. However, as with all things in motherhood, even in the darkest and hardest times there is beauty. And this was mine: snuggling with these normally very active little boys for hours with no resistance on their part, feeling the weight of their little heads laying on my shoulder, their breaths in and out creating a slow pulse of their bodies against mine; being needed by them again like when they were infants; feeling like I was made just to be their mama.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Everyday Life - March 2017

Just some pics of life lately...

Lasso-ing, his new favorite thing since we went to the rodeo last weekend: 

His face when I told him to stop picking my flowers! 

And some sweet pictures of Walker and Willa... he loves to love on her and since he's gotten a little better/gentler (i.e. not regularly biting her anymore), she lets him :)