Monday, August 29, 2016

Walker - 8 months

Our Walker is 8 months old! Oh how I loooove this age. I am just smitten with him. Everything he does is adorable (except his screams, which are louder and screech-ier than any I've heard before).

- Walker weighs 23 pounds. He is in size 4 diapers and size 12-18 month clothes.

- He got another tooth this month, which brings the count up to 7: 3 on bottom and 4 on top. And the boy can BITE!

- We started supplementing with formula this month. My supply has been really up and down and despite doing everything I can to keep it going (lactation cookies, boat loads of water, high protein diet, fenugreek, mother's milk tea, blessed thistle, etc.), there are still days when I'm next to empty. I am nursing him in the morning and a couple times throughout the day, but he is getting a bottle at night. This was hard for me at first because I expected my breastfeeding journey with Walker to be similar to what it was with Brady, but we are both much happier and less stressed and I think there's something to be said for that!

- Walker absolutely loves eating solids. His current favorites are strawberries, blueberries, and cubed chicken. He also likes cheese, eggs, green beans, and pretty much anything else we give him. He would sit in his high chair and eat for hours if we'd let him! It is adorable watching him feed himself with his cute little fingers.

- He learned to crawl this month (8/20), and a few days later started going from the crawling to sitting position. I love how determined he is to get places now that he can crawl. He is learning so much, so fast!

- One of his cuter tricks this month is this:
When he's sitting down, if I say 'Yaaaay Walker!!' he will hold up his arms like a champion. Swoon!

-He and Willa are becoming big buddies now that Walker is a major source of snacks for Willa throughout the day.

- I think he is starting to look a little more 'Mills'... I haven't really seen it until this month. He looks a lot like me as a baby in this picture:

I think Walker has changed the most this month. He is learning new things every day and is changing constantly. I just love this age!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Astros game

A couple weeks ago we took the boys to an Astros game. It was a 7:20 game so we weren't sure how it would go but they loved it! It was Walker's first game and Brady's second. We lasted 4 1/2 innings, which I thought was great for 2 kids and a late(ish) game!

Walker's face in this one... :)

Friday, August 19, 2016

July picture dump

Some pictures from lately!

They are the sweetest.

Brady was riding around in his truck one morning and put a peppermint in his gas tank to fuel up his truck, and here he is checking it out to make sure it's still there:


We set up an obstacle course in our back yard and climbing the tree/garage was part of the course. Fun way to get some energy out! Every meal we ate after that Brady said, "This is gonna make me run the obstacle course so fast!"

Greeting Daddy when he came home from a long trip. The boys were happy to have him back!

Kerri and her kids came to visit one weekend and she snapped a good picture of the kiddos. They had so much fun together! I love having them there with us.

Chick-fil-a lunch date... waiting on Dad!

We'd been rained in for a couple days and finally had a break in the rain so went to walk around and jump in puddles. Brady loves doing that!

This is pretty much how he feels about all foods!

We celebrated Willa's 4th birthday on August 1st. Poor thing is so scared of everything; she wouldn't even look at the candle. We were all so excited to sing Happy Birthday and give her some doggy ice cream and we had to chase her through three rooms before we finally cornered her and forced the birthday song upon her. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Walker - 7 months!

Here are some fun facts about sweet Walker at 7 months:

- He loves to talk and sing! He is always making some kind of noise.

- He weighs 22.6 pounds.

- He is a really good eater. Once he got used to the idea of having something other than breastmilk he just ran with it. His favorites include sweet potatoes, smoothies, puffs (LOVES puffs, just like Brady did, and most other babies I assume...), and oatmeal. He likes to eat Ritz crackers or those baby Mum Mum crackers. He has solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on most days. Also still nurses a few times a day, the only consistent times being right when he wakes up and right before bed.

- He's trying really hard to crawl. He can get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, and can scoot backwards, but hasn't quite gotten the forward movement yet. I imagine it won't be long!

- He got his first little cold this month. Runny nose and coughing through the night. It lasted about 5 days.

- He has really taken to his thumb this month. He'll pop it in for a few seconds and act like he's gonna lay down on my shoulder before realizing that the world is spinning around him and he needs to know exactly what's going on! He also sucks his thumb when he's tired and when we first lay him down in bed.

- He is still a great sleeper. 2 good naps on most days plus sleeping all night, from around 7:30 to 6:30.

-He LOVES his big brother. Brady can make him smile all the time, no matter what!

-He loves being in the water. We've been swimming a lot this summer and he gets so happy and starts splashing as soon as his little body hits the water. Same with his bath each night (which is always in the sink these days!)

- He has become much more interested in Willa lately. This may have to do with her insistence at being near him since he started eating...

- His personality is just so sweet. He loves to smile at people and is in general a very happy, loving baby.