Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Big boy undies!

We are on our third day in big boy underwear! Woohoo! Brady and I ran into Target on the way home from Emi and Poppy's house on Sunday to let him pick out some big boy undies. He chose Paw Patrol. We haven't had any accidents yet though we are still putting him in pull-ups through the night. Each morning he wakes up dry and I say "Good job!" and he says "I the biggest!!". He loves pooping in the potty now since we introduced the "surprise egg", which is an Easter egg with candy in it hidden at various places throughout the house; he gets one every time he poops and let me tell you, he is obsessed. In fact, he's in the kitchen right now yelling "Mommy can I poop again?" Off to do my duty... 

(get it? ;))

Something about boys and their hands in their pants... 

Off to clean poop...!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Walker - five months!

Some notes about our sweet boy at 5 months:

-We moved him up to his own room earlier this month. The first several nights were pretty rough and we feared we were going to start all over with sleep training, but once he got used to his room and crib he started sleeping even better than he had been in his bassinet. He now sleeps from about 8 until 6-7.

-He has started laughing a lot this month. His giggle is the cutest little thing!

-He loves to watch his brother play. Brady is really good at making Walker smile.

-He rolls over back to front constantly when I put him down. However, he still happily sleeps on his back which is so different from Brady, who started tummy sleeping as soon as he could roll over (and even before then...)

-He is 'talking' and 'singing' a lot these days. His voice is just so precious.

-I get a lot of comments on what a big, chunky baby he is. He's got lots of sweet, kissable rolls, that's for sure!

Here's our big five month old!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Recent pictures

I asked Brady the other day what his favorite animal is and he said "All of them." :)

Brady has gotten into the habit of asking me to go on "abenture" every time I pick him up from school, and I just can't tell him no!! Here are a few pictures from our latest adventures...

Checking his map:

Tiiiired baby...

This one makes me laugh!

Brady funnies

-Has started saying "I glad to see you!" (in the morning, after school, etc.) or "I glad to be home!". The other day he said "I like my house. Mommy thank you for making it so niiice."

-He says "You made it for me... for my birthday!" in regards to lots of things - our house (Daddy made it for him for his birthday), dinner, his blanket, the sidewalk chalk, etc.

-Is really into manners these days. He will say "Mommy may I please have a fruit snack?" and then his eyes will get wide and I'll say "Listen to those manners!" and he will say "I liiiiike manners!" If he asks for something and I say no then he'll ask again with his best manners and if I say no again his face instantly falls and he frowns and says "whyyyy?"

-When I picked him up from school yesterday he said "Hi Mama! Hi Walker! I was waiting for y'all!"

-On the way to school each day we pass by a construction site that has lots of machines on it and yesterday I pointed out a big excavator on top of a huge pile of dirt and I said "Don't fall down, excavator!" and he said "Nooo, we gotta be berrry quiet, the excabator is schleeeeping."

-We were watching the construction site the other day after school and there were so many machines there (hello, free entertainment!) and I said, "You like that machine?" and he said "No, all of them." He refuses to pick favorites for anything.

-On that note, he's very indecisive. I held up to pairs of shoes the other day and asked him which color he wanted to wear and after about five minutes he said "all of them". Same with yogurt flavors, etc.

-Labels things as Daddy (big), Mama (medium), or baby (small; also sometimes 'Walker'). "That's a Mama excavator"; "That's a little baby Walker flower"; "That's a Daddy poopoo" (yes, he labels his poop); "That was a big Mama throw!"; etc.

-Every time we do something fun, when we're done he says "I wanna do that again sometime!"

-If we make plans to do something some time in the future (for example, we are gonna go to Chick-fil-a for lunch), he says "I wanna do that right now!" He wants to do everything Right. Now.

-When he asks to do something and I say no, he says "Maybe Monday?"

-He has started playing peekaboo with Walker - he covers Walker's eyes up then pulls his hand away and says "PICKY PIE!!!"

-He will randomly shout "The cows are coming!" at any given time. We'll be sitting down in the living room playing with Walker and he'll say "Mama the cows are coming!!" and he'll get up and run away. It's pretty hilarious.

-He has started giving input into what I'm wearing. When I was getting dressed to take him to school on Monday he wanted me to wear my yellow Easter dress. Yep, this one:
The other day one of my friends came to visit and he picked out a shirt from my closet for me to wear and when I tried to change he started whining and said, "nooooo, wear the flower one!"

-When someone asks him how he's doing he says "I doing great"; if I ask him what he's doing he says "I doing great. Just hanging out."

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Brady's last day of MDO, 2015-16

Brady had his last day of Mother's Day Out yesterday. He's off for the summer and will start back in the fall. He really enjoyed it this year and learned a lot from his teachers and friends. The teachers sent him home with a picture of his class that we have on the refrigerator - he likes to point out all his friends and talk about each of them. We look forward to starting again and making new friends in the fall!

I'll start with a comparison of his first day, on September 8, 2015 and his last day, May 24, 2016. You can find more pictures from his first day HERE!
I can't believe how much he's changed in just a few short months. I'm telling you, it goes by fast. I don't usually get too emotional about him growing up but this picture makes me a little weepy!

He took a little gift to each of his teachers and was so excited to give it to them!

Mrs. Elaine

Mrs. Natalie

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Visit with the Veys

My cousin Tory and I finally got the boys together again a few weekends ago, and oh my goodness did they have fun!! They did too many cute things to count, and it was so fun watching them play together. They were SOOO dirty and even more tired when all was said and done!

Tory and her family stayed at my parents' lakehouse so we joined them Saturday morning for some fishing and boat rides.

Helping each other carry the paddle back up...

And check out these sweet little cutie pies!