Friday, January 26, 2018

Walker 2 year checkup

We had Walker's 2 year check up this morning (only about a month late!). He had mid-night a visit to the urgent care earlier this week so his appointment fell at just the right time. Walker woke up Tuesday night coughing and crying and wheezing, and couldn't catch his breath. His coughing sounded like a seal, and we could tell his breathing was really labored. I took him in to the urgent care by our house and they immediately hooked him up to a breathing treatment and gave him steroids. They also did an x-ray to make sure there was nothing obstructing his breathing. Turns out he had croup, and the breathing treatment/steroids helped tremendously. He's been coughing quite a bit this week but nothing too crazy. The doctor today also found that he has an ear infection, so we'll get him started on antibiotics and get that taken care of!

Practicing writing his name, getting those little eyes as close to the paper as possible! 

And just for kicks, a comparison of Walker (left) and Brady (right) at 2 years old: