Friday, June 30, 2017

Walker - 18 Months

Well, I was looking through my blog from when Brady was 18 months old and realized I used to post a lot more than I do now. Shocker, huh, now that I have two crazy toddlers to chase around all day?! I really enjoy reading back the posts though so I'm sitting here at 6:00 on Tuesday morning hoping to write some things out before I hear little 3 year old footsteps padding down the stairs, followed by a sweet one year old reading to himself in bed. If previous mornings are any indication, I have anywhere between 20 and 40 minutes to get this done (unless we were at Emi and Poppy's in which case they would already be awake and eating ice cream).

Walker is every bit toddler these days. He's cute and sweet and fun but boy can he turn on you. Multiple times a day I have to tell him to stop hitting/pinching/biting. And poor Brady, he bears the brunt of it. "Mamaaaa! Walker just pulled my hair!" or "Walker NO PINCHING!!" I must say I'm ready to be out of this phase. You have to always be ready around here or you'll get a surprise claw to the face.

Other than the toddler violence, Walker is great. He sleeps well and loves to read just like his brother did at this age. He sits by our book basket and pulls every single book out before getting distracted by something Brady is doing, then he jumps ship leaving a trail of books in his wake. His favorite book right now is Roadwork. He loves machines/airplanes/trains/etc.

He's talking a lot although most of it sounds like gibberish if you're not his parent (and sometimes does to us too). He says Bubba, Mama, Dada, bus, and most everything else is "tha" or "dis". He loves to point out flags when we are driving; when he sees one he'll gasp real big and point aggressively and say 'Tha! Tha!" and if he sees another one he'll say "Moh. Moh." He also points out airplanes and big trucks.

He gets around really well and tries to do everything Brady does. He has the cutest little toddler run and if he walks really fast or runs his left arm just goes a'swingin!! It is the best. I love to watch him run.

He loves his big brother and his dog. He looks for them both as soon as he wakes up.

He likes to put things away. If I'm unloading the dishwasher he comes over to help me, pulling out silverware and dishes one by one and handing them to me to put away. He's good at putting his toys away (don't let this fool you into thinking our house is clean!) and likes to throw things away in the trash (I'm pretty sure this is what happened to one of the rings Blake gave me).

He likes to point out belly buttons so unless you want your midriff exposed around him you better tuck in your shirt!

He cocks his head to the side and makes a really sweet face any time I say "sweeeeeeet...", and he'll flip his head from side to side if I keep saying it. It's pretty much the cutest.

He loves to sing! In the car, outside, in the bath... he just makes up a song and starts singing (usually "La lalaaaa laa" on repeat).

We call him 'One-shoe Walker' because at any given time you can almost guarantee he will be walking around with one shoe on. I don't know WHAT happens to the other shoe, but it always seems to be gone.

Well... it's now noon on Friday, 10 days after I started this post, so I'm gonna wrap this up and hit publish. At least I'll have something to look back on...

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I just wanted to add these pictures from a Spartan race that my family did back in March. It was SO MUCH FUN! The race was 3+ miles with about 25 obstacles. By the end of the race we were 
MUD-DY! This will go down as one of my all-time favorite family memories, I'm sure of it!

I had so much fun doing that one that I decided to join my sister and her friend for the Spartan Super, which is 9+ miles with about 30 obstacles. This one was quite a bit more challenging than the Sprint, but we had a great time. The energy of everyone there is just so fun. I can't wait for the next one (although I won't be joining Kerri for the 'Beast' in October, which is a half marathon with way too many obstacles. Haha).