Thursday, May 12, 2016

Baseball boys

We had a fun day yesterday! Blake got home from work and we decided to go eat some Mexican food. I told Brady to grab his hat since his hair was a mess and he got his hat plus one for Walker and another for Daddy. Of course I had to snap some pictures of them looking adorable!
I love how Brady's and Walker's facial expression is the same in this pic!

I want to squeeze Walker's cheeks in this picture. Just. Too. Cute!

Sweet, happy boys!

I took a couple of Brady looking too cool for school at Escalante's. 

When we got home we went for a bike ride over to the baseball fields/middle school track and watched the kids play baseball while we took a walk around the track. Brady ran with Willa most of the way, and we stopped to see if we could do some pull-ups along the way:

I'll spare you the video of Blake doing a pull-up... I will say that it was quite hilarious. Love my family!

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