Monday, April 25, 2016

Walker's 4 month checkup

Walker had his four month checkup today. He weighed 17 pounds, 10.5 ounces, which is almost two pounds more than Brady weighed at this age. He is such a little chunk! The doctor said he looks great. He's got a little bit of flatness at the back of his head but the doc said that is to be expected since babies sleep on their backs and that he isn't concerned at all; it should round itself out with time. Walker didn't cry at all with the first shot, but the second one just about took it out of him!! Poor little man.

Just for reference: HERE is Walker's two month checkup and HERE is Brady's four month checkup.

And a comparison of both boys at 4 months: 

1 comment:

  1. Walker gets cuter with every post! Can't wait to meet him!
