Monday, April 25, 2016

Brady funnies

Brady has started saying "That funny?" anytime he does something that gets him into trouble. For example, he pokes Walker in the eyeball and I say "No Brady, don't poke your brother", he will go "That funny?" and I'll say "No, that wasn't funny" and he'll go "Mama funny? Pillow funny? Baseball funny? Dinosaur funny?" until he finds something that makes me laugh. 

Brady was wiping at something on his face and said "Mama, I got a little something on my face." I said, "Well what is it?" and he goes "A 'pider." 

Every morning, Brady comes in our room and says "Walker awake?" and pokes at him until he opens his eyes. He then comes running over to me and says "Mama! Walker wake up! Look, his eyes open! Look at my little brudder!" 

I found the boys like this when I walked into the living room yesterday. As my cousin Tory puts it, "Brother Smother". 

He asked me to build a baby giraffe, a mama giraffe, and a daddy giraffe when we were playing legos the other day. He lined them up against the ottoman and said they were eating their dinner... 

...then he stacked them all into the box and said "Look Mama, they so haaaappy!" That's what I'm talking about! I want all my people close to me all the time; that's what makes me happy! 

A little Academy trip last week...

And a couple random pictures... 

Bike ride with 'Uncle Eevi'.

Sunday afternoon nap time. Sweetest.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Brother smother, it's just the perfect description. Love these pics and your sweet boys!!
