Tuesday, April 19, 2016

March pictures

Just some old pictures to share... enjoy!

All three of my boys watching golf in bed one Sunday afternoon:

It is so much fun to watch Brady on the video monitor. He loves to lay on Willa and pet her, and he likes to look out his windows to see the hospital lights. We'll often hear him singing or reading a book to himself.
This was actually at 3am one morning... no clue why they were awake!

Brady loves to be cozy. I pulled out this chair and he sat in it and said "This my special cozy reading chair!"

Willa heard somebody say 'cozy'!

We had a fun afternoon painting last week. He painted all over his legs and everywhere!

Helping bathe Bubby... one of his favorite things! He pours the water on Walker's belly and says 'Ahhh, lelaxing!'

He has a book where one page shows a Daddy putting a bandaid on a little boy's skinned knee so Brady thought this was so special - Daddy putting a bandaid on his 'kin knee'.

Trying to make Walker laugh:

We picked up some sidewalk chalk during our last Target trip and Brady loves it. We have spent hours out there drawing stuff! I don't remember sidewalk chalk being so vibrant!

Asking to hold his brother... he does this regularly!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that picture of Brady just looking out the window at 3am totally cracked me up!! HAHA!!! He looks like SUCH a good big brother. So sweet. :) Also, our sidewalk chalk was never that bright! All the colors were just basically a pale off-white, lol. And, whoever drew the rocket and cow is talented. What I wouldn't give to be able to draw!?! :)
