Thursday, September 25, 2014

Brady's 12 month checkup

Well, we had our 12 month checkup this week! How did we get here?! We were excited about the checkup to see how our boy has grown over the last year. The doctor said he looks great and is growing perfectly! He weighed a little over 22 pounds and was about 30 inches long. He's almost tripled his weight since he was born. Big boy!

The bad part about this appointment was that he had to get four shots (yes, four!) AND he had to get his blood drawn. It was so sad. And to make it worse, the lab called yesterday and said they didn't get enough blood and that we have to go back to do another blood draw. Waaah! 
If that's not the saddest thing you've ever seen... thank goodness Daddy was there!


  1. Aww...poor baby--and it's even harder on mom and dad when the little one hurts! Glad you were both there to help him feel better!

  2. So sorry he has to go back for seconds! :-(. Love my Bradyboy!
