Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Weekly pictures - 8/31/14

We've had a big week this week. Brady got three new teeth! He now has three on top and two on bottom. He also started standing up on his own and dad says he saw him try to take a step. I have a feeling he'll be walking before too long! I am torn between wanting to teach him to walk and wanting to delay it as long as we can. I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be a toddler!

Brady has started saying 'bye bye' and waving at people. His whole arm shakes up and down when he waves. It's pretty cute.

Another cute thing Brady does now is when we say "How big is Brady?" he will reach his hands up in the air as high as he can. It is especially cute when he does this while he's standing up.

He has also said his first word (other than Mama): Willa! No surprises there. He used to say 'bbbba' when he was talking to or about Willa, but now it's more "illa". The first thing he says every single morning is "Illa? Illa?" and he looks around for her until he sees her. He loves her.

The three of us went to a friend's one year old birthday party a couple weeks ago. It was quite the event - they had a teepee, a bouncy house, a water station, and some other cool stuff for the kids to do. A couple of our friends came in from Dallas to stay with us that weekend so they could go to the party, too. One of them has a son about Brady's age. It's always fun getting together with our friends, especially now that we have babies that love to play together!

Brady and Wyatt.

Brady is starting to favor Blake more and more all the time. I think Blake is proud to have a mini-me. 

In other news, Blake's car got side swiped by this vehicle last week. Pretty funny, huh? It is in the shop being worked on now, so hopefully he'll have it back by next week!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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