Monday, September 15, 2014

Lunch date with my buddy

Brady and I had a lunch date at Chick-fil-a last week. He enjoyed saying hi to all the people and being out and about. One of his favorite things is going out to eat. Can't say I disagree!

I am so thankful that we get to spend so much time together every day. Even when it gets tough, I remind myself that this time is so special and that I am so lucky to spend it with him. He's my best little buddy!
He's got his hands in Mama's chicken!

Just contemplatin' life...

And he loved playing in the little play area! He crawled up and down those steps so many times!


  1. The boy definitely knows how to eat! As Mama would say, "he has a hollow leg."

  2. Awww what a cutie!! His little facial expressions just kill me!!

  3. Nothing can replace all the time you spend together! It's so good for Brady, and I'm thankful you are able to be there!

  4. The contemplating picture is TOO MUCH!! Haha!
