Monday, June 30, 2014

Pictures from the weekend

Brady got to meet a new friend this weekend. Forrest and Dana came down to Houston with their new baby Gaines and stayed with us Friday night. The boys were so cute together! It was fun catching up with them.

Waiting on his buddy to get here.

Gaines - 2 months; Brady - 9 months

The rest of the weekend was very relaxing. We didn't do too much- walked a couple times, ran a few errands, hung around the house and played with Brady!
Wearing mama's hat.

He found the pantry. Woohoo!

Gnawing on a carrot... seemed to help his teething gums feel a little better.

Oh, and this happened yesterday...


  1. Love Brady's new tricks and love seeing the beginnings of a third generation of Kirshman/Pool friendships! :)

  2. These are great! I know you don't want to hear this because I hear it WAY too often....but he's growing so fast!!! He's adorable! Can't wait to see him again!
