Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Happies

Brady and I had a great Monday! We went to the grocery store for the first time by ourselves which was quite the experience. (Side note: thanks to Blake for taking over grocery responsibilities the last few months/years!) He did good until we got out of the produce section (which took forever... Yay for all the fresh summer fruits and veggies!) then he started getting pretty restless. Oh well, we were able to get what we needed and he sure looked cute riding in the buggy.

We played with his newest toy: a scarf stuffed into an old diaper wipes box.

He is getting into everything. Here he is trying to pull himself up on the clothes hamper in our room. 

Check out that tongue sticking out. Pure concentration, just like his Daddy.

And crawling like a big boy...! 

Here are a couple other random pictures from the last few days:

Eating cornbread and lentils. Yum!

And one of our sweet girl: 

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Those are great!! He's on his way to walking soon! Too soon!!!

  2. So big! I love his "toy"! That sounds like something Anna might like... instead of pulling out and wasting all our wipies!!

  3. You might need to get a patent on that new toy. You and Brady could promote it on Shark Tank! :-) Loved the Picts!
