Monday, January 9, 2017

Walker - 1 year!

Well, we made it to a year and I actually managed to get a picture of him every month! So glad that's done, and even more glad to have all these!

As you can see from the following pictures, his birthday was not his favorite day! He was running a fever and acting sick that day so as much as we tried (Balloons! Cake! Presents!), he just wasn't feeling it. Oh well, we got some pretty funny pics out of it!

Clearly loving his balloons. Ha. 

Trying to smile but it's just not there! 

Walker's favorite word right now is deer. He will point them out anywhere. He loves to eat and adores his Daddy. His smile lights up a room (seriously!), and his whole face transforms when he's smiling. It is the best thing ever. He loves to play when he's feeling well, and when he's not he wants to be held. He has 10-13 teeth (I've lost count), and his teeth have caused him much more pain than Brady's did. I don't know if this has anything to do with them coming in so much earlier, or if it's just the 'different kids' thing. I'm convinced his goal in life is to make sure every cabinet and drawer in our house is empty, and I spend a lot of time following him around putting things back!

He loves to wrestle with Brady, and I get a kick out of watching them be rambunctious little boys!

Walker is such a joy, and we are so glad he's ours!

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