Saturday, October 29, 2016

Walker - 10 months!

Some things to note about Walker this month:

-He weighs 25 pounds and is still in size 4 diapers. He's in 12-18 month clothes and is quickly outgrowing clothes that Brady was wearing when he was about 15 months old.

-He started clapping this month. So cute!

-He is trying to talk and pretty much has Mama and Dada down. We were riding in the car yesterday and Walker was saying "Mama mama mama" and Brady goes, "Hey! Did you hear that? Walker said Mama! I didn't know he could talk!"

-He is cruising around our furniture and climbs up to standing on pretty much anything! He's really trying to walk, and has perfected walking behind his toy walker. Not much longer, I think.

-He sleeps great, from about 6:30/7 until 7ish.

-He loves people and revels in attention from strangers. He will smile at anyone if they give him a little attention.

-He is very active and adventurous. I was helping Brady with something in our room earlier and walked out to find Walker halfway up the stairs. Guess it's time for the baby gate!


  1. I can't believe Walker is 10 months old already!!! He's such a big, sweet boy!! Love him!!!
