Monday, October 3, 2016

Walker - 9 months

I feel like I just did Walker's 8 month post! Here are a few things to note about Walker this month:

- We stopped nursing completely about 2 weeks ago. My supply dwindled until it finally became barely there at all, and Walker was biting me a lot and seemed more interested in the bottle, so we just gave it up. I was a little disappointed but we are both happier so we're moving on!

- He is standing up on everything!! He gets stuck standing because he's not quite sure how to get back to the sitting position, so he'll stand there for awhile and then all the sudden realize that he can't get down.

- Any time he hears or sees the dishwasher open he makes a beeline for it. It is hilarious. Then he stands up with his hands on it and looks around for someone to get him down.

- He weighs 23 pounds and is 30 inches long. He's pretty big for his age (high 90's percentiles), which is not surprising given how much he eats!

- He loves to eat! It's one of his favorite things. At first there was nothing he didn't like, but he's come to realize that he has favorites and that if he doesn't eat what he doesn't love then his plate will magically be restocked with his favorites. For example, throw down my turkey meat = mama will reload me with strawberries. (side note: Willa loves this.)

- He likes to follow Brady around everywhere. This morning he was playing chase with him. Brady was running around our house and Walker was crawling behind him as fast as his little body could go! It was adorable. Then I caught him trying to steal Brady's breakfast:

He absolutely loves to be outside. Every day we go on several little strolls through the neighborhood; Brady on his tractor and Walker in the little blue car.

He is clearly very relaxed when we are outside :)


  1. Awwwwww what a sweet baby!!!! Love him!

  2. So very precious! Love your posts, pictures, and updates!
