Saturday, October 1, 2016

Walker's 9 month checkup, Brady's 3 year checkup

What a fun visit I had to the doctor last week! (only a little sarcasm here...) I got to take both boys to their respective checkups and each of them got a flu shot, so.... not that fun. To be fair, they both did really good and acted great for the most part; it's just that the doctor's office has you fill out a 5 page questionnaire for each kid every time you go to track progress on that child, and I got through about 3 questions because 2 active kids in a doctor's office is not easy!! Also, forget about getting any questions in with the doctor! The doctor has 3 boys so he was totally cool with all the action in our room. When he walked in I had Walker hanging on one hip and was trying to keep Brady from jumping off the table with my spare hand and the doctor just laughed and said, "You look like a boy mom. I know that look." And when he left he said, "Well Mom, looks like you've got all your ducks in a row!" and I said, "What ducks? I don't even think I have any anymore!" We got through it though, and got great reports on both kids. (Oh, and I never completed the questionnaires. I'll just trust that both kids are on par with their peers...)

So, here's Walker's report:

And here's Brady's:

And here is a comparison of Brady vs. Walker at 9 months, just because I think it's interesting to see how they compare:

And here are a few other pics from our visit:
Brady got to use the big kid scale this time!

I honestly don't know how they got his weight as much as he moved around on that thing!

Getting his blood pressure taken. It took a few tries for us to get this right. Luckily I had the foresight to bring his Bae with us and in the end that's what it took to get him to sit still for a few seconds while the monitor did it's thing!

Oh look how precious they are reading to each other...

Just a little tantrum when he decided he needed the book Walker was reading.

Post-shots. Peace out, doctor!

We've got happy, healthy, active kiddos!

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