Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trail Riders

Courtnie and I took the babies to see the trail riders come in last Thursday. Some of the riders have been riding their horses for as long as 3 weeks, traveling from all over and landing in Houston for the rodeo. It was so exciting to watch them arrive! I'm not sure who enjoyed it more - us or the riders. We were all waving at each other like crazy! 

Brady and Drew patiently waiting for the riders to arrive!

How cute are they?!


Here they come!

He kept waving and saying "Hi horse!" Now anytime we see a horse in a book he will wave and say "Hi!" then walk over to his little wooden horse that Poppy built and wave and say "Hi!".


  1. That second picture could be on a postcard!!

  2. A couple of cute little cowpokes! Poppy is going to have to get Brady and the kids a live pony to ride! :-)
