Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Brady funnies

-My favorite thing he's said lately: I asked him if his ant bites hurt and he said in the brightest, cheeriest voice, "No Mom, I just glad to be happy!!"

-We were out running errands yesterday and we pulled up to a stop light and Brady said "Great job beating those trucks Mama, now we gotta go beat that Jeep. Hurry!"

-For the last few nights, at bedtime we will lay down to say our prayers and he'll say "Tell me a poop story."

-He caught me throwing away a piece of his art work the other day (gasp!) and right after I threw it in the trash he looked at me with a pain in his eye and said "Mommy I drew that for you. Don't throw it away." It was the saddest thing. I pretended like it was an accident and had to reach my hand down in the trash (we were at church; not at home. So gross...) to grab it. I gave it to Brady and he just looked at me and said "Don't throw it away again, Mom." He repeated himself about five times on the way home. Guess I learned my lesson!
This is it... they didn't even put his name on there right! Also, yes that is my gum that I had folded up in there before I threw it away. 

-He will randomly say "Mama I liiiiiiiike you!" and the other day said "Mommy I love being with you!"

-He talks all.the.time. Not even joking. I was listening to him ramble yesterday and just laughing at him. He is a talkative, active, funny kid!

-Wants to do everything "all by mysee-yelf".

-Most nights, Blake puts Brady down for bed and reads him a book, then when they are done I will go upstairs and say prayers with him and tuck him in. Lately, when I go up there each night he has plumped up the pillow beside him and pulled down the covers and when I walk in he says "Mommy I made you a 'pot." It is the sweetest.

-He came in from outside and said "Hey Mom, how's it going?" and I said "Good, how's it going out there?" He said, "Bad" and when I asked why he said "Cuz I like bad stuff!"

-I said something to him the other day and he said "Hey I not a girl, I a boy. You say yes sir to me and I say yes ma'am to you."

-His friend Drew said 'yeah' to him the other day and he goes "Drew didn't use her manners!! Drew, you say yes sir!"

-We were playing trains and one of his cars was in his train car and I showed him and he said "Way to go, Mom! You found my other car! You my hero!!"


  1. Oh my gosh! These cracked me up!!!!!!

  2. These are just great! So glad you are writing them down!

  3. The Bradley Gum Artwork is HILARIOUS. Haha! How dare you?!?
