Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Walker - 7 months!

Here are some fun facts about sweet Walker at 7 months:

- He loves to talk and sing! He is always making some kind of noise.

- He weighs 22.6 pounds.

- He is a really good eater. Once he got used to the idea of having something other than breastmilk he just ran with it. His favorites include sweet potatoes, smoothies, puffs (LOVES puffs, just like Brady did, and most other babies I assume...), and oatmeal. He likes to eat Ritz crackers or those baby Mum Mum crackers. He has solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on most days. Also still nurses a few times a day, the only consistent times being right when he wakes up and right before bed.

- He's trying really hard to crawl. He can get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, and can scoot backwards, but hasn't quite gotten the forward movement yet. I imagine it won't be long!

- He got his first little cold this month. Runny nose and coughing through the night. It lasted about 5 days.

- He has really taken to his thumb this month. He'll pop it in for a few seconds and act like he's gonna lay down on my shoulder before realizing that the world is spinning around him and he needs to know exactly what's going on! He also sucks his thumb when he's tired and when we first lay him down in bed.

- He is still a great sleeper. 2 good naps on most days plus sleeping all night, from around 7:30 to 6:30.

-He LOVES his big brother. Brady can make him smile all the time, no matter what!

-He loves being in the water. We've been swimming a lot this summer and he gets so happy and starts splashing as soon as his little body hits the water. Same with his bath each night (which is always in the sink these days!)

- He has become much more interested in Willa lately. This may have to do with her insistence at being near him since he started eating...

- His personality is just so sweet. He loves to smile at people and is in general a very happy, loving baby.


  1. that sweet, precious angel!! Can't wait to see him and his big brother again! <3

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