Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Walker - 3 months!

Our boy turns 3 months today! We've had a really great couple weeks with him and his happy personality is starting to come out more and more. He's been sleeping a little bit better and I can tell that he's an overall happier baby. We've had a few nights of sleeping through the night; and other nights he'll wake up any time between 3 and 5. So we're getting there! I'm just getting more and more obsessed with him the older he is; I just can't get enough!

I'm not sure on his weight and height at this point, but he's still in size 2 diapers and wearing size 3-6 month clothes. He is a chunky little thing; I think chunkier than Brady was at this age:
(Brady around 3 months)

-Walker has really started sucking on his hands a lot and has found his thumb to suck on several times this week (video below).

-He seems to be in the middle of a growth spurt; he's had a few days this week where all he does is sleep and eat. Usually he stays awake for a bit between feedings.

-He doesn't really cry much, just fusses a bit when he's hungry or overtired. Overall he has become a really happy baby. I know they go through phases when they are babies but his 2nd month was definitely the most difficult thus far. He was pretty fussy that month... not sleeping well, crying for a long time before he fell asleep, etc.

-He has the glassiest blue eyes that I wish I could capture on camera! They are so beautiful. I hope they are like that always, but I realize they will probably dull down as he gets older. Maybe I can get a good picture of them so that I can always remember (lucky for me I have the best photographer in the world as a sister!).

-Brady has started calling him sweet cheeks, sugar bug, bubby, sweetheart, etc. Basically anything I call Walker when I'm playing with him Brady will pick up and start calling him later on that day or the next day. He pulls out all kinds of names for him. It's so cute.

And a few outtakes of Brady trying to make him smile... hmmm...

He loves bathtime, finds it very relaxing. Well, except when his big brother wants to help and pours a cup of water all over his face!

Here is his thumb sucking video:

And two cute ones of Walker and Brady: