Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Brady funnies

We were out walking the other day and a squirrel ran across the road and Brady goes "Oh! Look at that squirrel running! Awwwww, it's my favorite squirrel!" He's very into 'favorites' - this morning he pointed out his 'favorite' crane and 'favorite' excavator on our way to school.

- Another time when we were walking Brady was demanding my phone from me: "Mommy! I need your phone! I need to play the new game. Mommy! I need it! I need your phone!" When I finally gave it to him he mustered up the sweetest voice I've ever heard and said "Thaaaaank you, that was bery helpful."

- When I dropped him off at school this morning he looked out his car window and said "There's Connor! He's my best friend... Wait, that's not Connor!"

- His new thing is "I KNOW what I'm talkin' bout!" I was getting him a popsicle the other day and he said "let me pick! let me pick!" and he grabbed the color he wanted and said "I KNOW what I'm talkin' bout!"

- On that same note, lately he's been saying "I know 'bout you" and "I know 'bout it". In the mornings he'll come up next to me in bed and said "Good morning mama, I know 'bout you!" Not sure what he's trying to say or what his point is...?

- Each morning he has started asking how I slept and what I dreamed about.

- Last night I was putting him to bed and I started telling him this elaborate made up story about a little boy who loved going to the country and about five minutes into the story he sat up, looked at me and said "Mama, WHAT are you talking about?"

- He is very into machines. Excavators are the top fave, but he loves all construction machines, tractors, big rigs, fire trucks, all the good boy stuff... This backhoe loader is in the parking lot at school so every day after school we go over there to look at it. He wants to touch and count all the wheels, touch the boom and the bucket, walk underneath the boom, walk around to the 'other one side', and repeat until I say it's time to go.

- He's kind of a perfectionist. He recognizes very quickly if something is out of the ordinary and says 'suntings missing' or 'suntings not right'.


  1. These are hilarious!!!!! The "Connor" one and the "mama, WHAT are you talking about" ones had me laughing out loud over here. What a spunky boy!!!!!! Him and Eli are gonna be a hoot together!
