Friday, January 1, 2016

Pictures and Notes - Pregnancy #2

My pregnancy with Walker was fairly easy with my biggest complaint being the headaches that started around 10-11 weeks and lasted for the duration of the pregnancy. The doctor put me on medication around 16 weeks that helped prevent the headaches. We tried to go off that medicine around 28 weeks but the headaches came back so I continued to take the medicine up until delivery. Of course I had the normal aches and pains that come along with pregnancy but nothing debilitating and for the most part I felt great. I made it a point to enjoy this pregnancy more than I did my first one and to try to not stress about the weight gain and other things that I over-stressed about with Brady. That's not to say that the weight gain didn't bother me; but I tried to not let it consume me.

The last couple weeks of the pregnancy were really tough, as I know they are for most pregnant mamas. It's hard emotionally and physically and you just become exhausted. However, I already kind of miss my baby belly and feeling Walker move around inside of me all.the.time. :)

My most notable cravings this pregnancy included hummus in the first few months, then caprese salad and orange creamsicles toward the end. In fact, before I even knew I was pregnant I texted one of my friends "Cannot stop eating hummus at 2:00 every single afternoon." She immediately texted back "Pregnant?" and I of course said no way. Little did I know that baby Walker was already growing inside of me begging me for hummus! After the hummus craze was over, I started eating caprese salad (mozzarella cheese, fresh tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil) every day for lunch. Like, EVERY DAY. Blake got a kick out of the daily pictures I sent him. I also had at least one creamsicle (sometimes 2) every day for the last few months. Before that I hadn't had a creamsicle in ages. Probably over 10 years. Another strange thing that happened this pregnancy is that I stopped eating hot things - most notably hot cheetos and jalapeno chips, which I pretty much ate every day during my pregnancy with Brady. They just did not taste good at ALL this pregnancy. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing!!

I did such a better job this pregnancy keeping up with my weekly belly pics and wanted to post them here so I'll be able to look back on them and compare pictures from pregnancy to pregnancy.

(Headed to the hospital to deliver in this picture!)

1 comment:

  1. Love these weekly belly pictures! You look great! Love you!!!
