Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fun facts about Brady at almost 2!

Brady is growing and changing so much lately! He makes us laugh every day and is constantly learning new things. He is very attentive and picks up on things really quickly, and lately has been repeating pretty much everything we say. He is such a joy; we are enjoying him so very much! Here are a few things I'd like to jot down to hopefully remember about him at this age:

- He is very neat and likes to pick up after himself without being told. He definitely gets this from me, although it's not anything we have taught him... I'll find him picking up all his toys and putting them in the basket, or taking all his sippy cups to his drawer in the kitchen. He's also learned to wipe up spills... Andrew said the other day that Brady spilled some water while he was playing with him and Andrew started to clean it up but Brady took over and took the towel, patted the water until it was dry (or at least dry enough for him), then when Andrew bent down to clean up the rest Brady patted him on the back like 'good job, Unc' and walked off. So funny!

I think it's important to note here that while Brady may be neat, he most certainly is not afraid to get dirty. The boy can make a mess, of himself and of his surroundings. His bath at the end of each day is very well earned. In fact, I should have taken a picture of him before bath time tonight. He laid down face first in a mud puddle and proceeded to try to drink the muddy water like a dog. You can imagine the mess...

- Brady has started talking SO much. He knows so many words and has started putting them together in mini-sentences. He's learned so many of his colors and is working on counting to eleven ("elemen"). Not sure why but he's never stopped at ten; 'elemen' is always the last number to say!

- He demands back rubs at random times throughout the day, but mostly at night when we put him in bed. He lays down on his tummy and says 'rub back'. If I try to sneak off after too short of a back rub he pops his head up and says 'Mommy RUB BACK!'  He can get a little bossy sometimes - kid knows what he wants!

- He refers to himself as 'baby'. He can definitely say Brady but he calls himself baby.

- He likes to listen to my heartbeat. He will come up to me and say 'Hear. Mama. Heart (hawt).' Soooo sweet!

- He loves to draw and color with crayons. He's a little artist! He has a hard time keeping the drawing off the table (and doors, and floors) but a little magic eraser does wonders for that.

Drawing with his cousin Eli.

- He has started calling Blake out for tooting and burping. He opens his eyes real big and looks at me and says 'Daddy toot!' Blake, of course, finds this hilarious!

- This one is kind of difficult to write out but I'm going to try anyway because it is so funny every time. We have this conversation several times a day:
Brady: "Thunder go?" (Asking where something is, like birds, towels, trucks, and even things like thunder and baseball games)
Mama: "I don't know, where is the thunder?"
B: "Oh thuuuunder? C'mere Thunder! Babyyy" (patting himself on the chest)
M: "Come to Brady, thunder."
B: "Mamaaaa. Daddaaaa. Willaaa."
M: "Come to Mama, come to Daddy, come to Willa." (and so on... come to the chair, come to Bae (his blanket), come to the bed, etc.)
Then the thunder will sound, the birds will appear, the baseball game will come back on after a commercial break, or whatever it is we're talking about and Brady's eyes will get really big and he'll gasp real loud and say "Thunder... HI THUNDER!"

Right before he went to his first baseball game... Blake and Uncle Drew took him to watch the Astros play! He loved it and now every time he sees baseball on tv he says "Goooo ASTROS!"

- He still loves to read and likes to take lots of books into his crib with him at bedtime. He carries them, one by one, from his book basket over to his bed and drops them in. 

He brought all these books from the living room the other day, piled them onto our bed then looked and me and said "Mama READ!"

- He has started calling Willa "Willamina" all the time. He talks to her throughout the day and every time refers to her as Willamina. We call her that sometimes so I guess he just picked up on it and as far as he's concerned that's her name!

Brady is an active, fun, easily-excitable little boy. He has more energy than he knows what to do with! He loves to be chased around; it makes him double over with laughter when someone catches him (I caught you! he says). He's a fast little guy too! He also loves to cuddle with me and I feel so complete when we're sitting in his rocking chair at the end of the day, singing songs and telling stories with his head on my shoulder. We are so thankful for Brady and the happiness he brings to our home.

Why hello there five-year-old-Brady!


  1. Slow down Brady! You're growing up wayyyyyyyy too fast! Just a couple of months ago he called me, "Nee!" This week he called me, "Aunt Jeannie!" He is much fun!!! I love you Brady boy and so does Bella!

  2. He is getting so big!!! What a cute little fun personality he has. :) So precious!

  3. Awwwww! I love this post. Awesome to remember some of these fun little personality things. He is so much fun!!!!

  4. Brady is such a sweet boy with lots of fun energy! I love having him come to the country to stay and do all the country things he loves, like riding the 4-wheeler and green tractor, seeing the cows, swimming, playing in the sandbox, swinging on the porch swing, and going to pick blueberries. I love going to his house to spend time in his environment with all of his toys and books, and his push car for taking walks, and Willa. He is such a joy to be around! He makes me laugh!!! I love you Brady!
