Thursday, July 17, 2014

Small town entertainment...

We took a trip into town today to hit up the sale at Ritter Lumber (Hemphill's Lowe's/Home Depot). Boy did Brady have a good time! He made some new friends and entertained the other shoppers.
Let the fun begin!

He drove all over the store in this little green cart. He absolutely loved it; he just smiled and kicked his legs the whole time!

Serious little driver!

Hanging out in the tent. I think he's ready for his first camping trip!

Helping Poppy look for deals.

Pooped after all that Ritter fun!

And a video of him driving the cart:


  1. You know now he'll have to ride in the car buggy every time you go to the grocery store! Haha!

  2. Haha this is awesome!!! Happy boy!
