Thursday, April 6, 2017

Walker's 15 Month Checkup

Walker had his 15 month checkup with Dr. Pielop yesterday. He weighs 26.6 pounds and is 32.5 inches. Big, growing boy!

The appointment started out great. Walker was so happy in the waiting room and was really hamming it up with everyone that came in. There were a couple tiny babies that came through and he was super interested in them...

All of that changed once we got into the room... after he got his measurements taken we were in the room waiting for the doctor and he opened the huge door onto his toe. The toenail peeled back (ow!) and started bleeding and it hurt him SO bad. He cried for a long time, and when the doctor came in and started fiddling with him he wasn't real happy about it. The doc thought his toe might be broken and said to come in if Walker was still walking funny after a couple days (luckily, he's not and it's not broken). After the toe fiasco the doctor checked his ears and he has an ear infection in his left ear and lots of fluid and redness in his other one. After that, he got a few shots and we were on our way, two prescriptions in hand (antibiotic for his ears and some cream to help his toe not get infected) and ready to get outta there!

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