Saturday, December 10, 2016

Walker - 11 months!

Almost one year old! Oh my goodness. This month has been a doozy for our Walker-man. He had his first ear infection, a mean case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, a lingering cold/cough, and an infected finger (yes, that happened!). He is on the mend though and is enjoying all his newly-acquired skills:

- Has started talking a lot more. Cheese and Bye-Bye (die-die) are his favorite words, and he's working on 'deer'. He gets a kick out of hearing himself talk. He also says mama, dada, and bubba occasionally. He thinks he's talking all the time but it usually sounds like "uh-oooh" over and over.

- He has just started giving kisses! My favorite thing ever!!

- Can crawl really fast when he does his spider crawl on his hands and feet. He is so close to walking! He can stand up on his own from a sitting-on-the-floor position.

- He loves people and makes friends every time we go to the grocery store. He flashes that big ol' smile and makes the old ladies swoon!


And look at these pictures of Walker at each month. Love them! 


  1. That precious baby is growing up so fast! Can't wait to see him again!

  2. Awwwww this is so sweet! Slow down time!!!!
