Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy half birthday!

Brady turned 6 months old today. I can't believe it! How does time go by so quickly?

These last 6 months have been the best of our lives. Blake and I have learned so much and have experienced more joy than ever before. It has been so much fun watching each other become parents. Brady fits perfectly into our family; I don't know what we ever did before him! He makes everything better.

Some things our little man loves at 6 months old: 

-Taking baths. He kicks his little legs so fast in the water; it is so cute.
-Popsicles. We haven't fed him anything else, but popsicles come first in this family and he is okay with that!
-Being outside. He loves laying on his blanket outside and looking around at everything.
-Willa. Ohhh, does he love Willa.
-Mama and Daddy. 
-Nursing. (all.the.time.!!)
-Sucking his thumb. He only sucks his right one. It is so adorable.
-His moose toy. It's his favorite!
Two of his favorite things.

A few other fun facts:
-We always get comments that he is 'so serious'. This is funny because he's such a playful, happy baby but his face gets serious when he's in situations that he's unsure of. For example:
-As mentioned above, he is an extremely happy baby. Only cries when he's hungry or tired. He's very smiley and happy to play with anyone. 
-He's a great sleeper. We got lucky on this one!
-He has started reaching his arms out to me when he sees me. This, of course, makes me melt. I can hardly take it!
-He laughs a lot when he's being tickled. His laugh is the cutest little thing!

Happy half birthday, little buddy. We love you so much!!

His first time in the swing!


  1. Awwww happy birthday Brady!!! Several of his favorite things are Eli's favorite too!! So funny!

  2. So sweet! I want to squeeze him! I love him so much and am so happy when we get to spend time with y'all! Happy 6 month birthday, Brady!!!

  3. Happy Half our kute, kissable Kirshman Kiddo!
