Monday, July 27, 2015

Picture catchup

I'm so behind on sharing pictures and wanted to share a few from the last several weeks. Enjoy!

'Drive Daddy's caw', one of his favorite things to do!

Sitting in the poutin' chair Poppy made him.

When we go outside and look for birds/planes, he sees me cover my eyes to block the sun when I look up and he always tries to do the same... he doesn't quite get it yet, though!

Drinking the melted ice cream at the bottom of the bowl.

My kitchen at any given moment. The boy loves trucks!

Love his sweaty hair and how much he's enjoying that peach!

I was sitting at my computer the other day and Brady brought over all of his trucks and the books off our shelf. So funny!

Our favorite thing to do on Monday mornings: watch the garbage truck and recycle truck!

Watching Taylor Swift videos while attempting to potty train. Awesome.

Puddle jumpin' on our street.

I walked into the sunroom and found him cleaning out Willa's ears with a q-tip. How she sat so still while he did that I'll never know!

And a couple pictures from the weddings we've been to lately: 

Brady and his cousin, Eli. 

Me and Brady with cousins Tory and Eli. Tory and I were pregnant together with Brady and Eli and recently found out that we are both having another boy (her in November; me in January)!


  1. Loved the "eye to eye" with Willa, "potty training with Taylor Swift," "Cousins," "Weddings," "Pouting chair," actually all of them!!!

  2. These pictures make me smile! Love them and love Brady!!!

  3. He's getting so big!!!!! And cuter by the day!

  4. Awwwww these are great! Love!

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