Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easter 2015

We had such a fun Easter this year. Brady got to participate in a few Easter egg hunts before Easter weekend, which was so much fun. On Easter day we went to Easter service at our church (amazing!) then had brunch with some of our friends at their house. It was a rainy and cool day but we were still able to cook outside and do an Easter egg hunt for the babies. It was a great day!

Cool dude hanging out in the back of a pickup truck!

Their faces in this picture... I can't even handle it. Little rebels!

He was so proud to be holding her hand. She would occasionally get tired of holding hands and he just kept chasing her around trying to grab her hand. It was the cutest thing.

Giving Drew her Easter basket. Sweet boy!

Happy Easter!


  1. The back of the truck picture is PRICELESS!!!!

  2. Love! these pictures!!! What a handsome boy!
