Friday, July 28, 2017


Some of these are a couple months old, but I've kept a list on paper so I'm putting it here to remember his sweet little self!

- Has been saying lately "Mommy I love you toooo much." Swoon.

- Says "I got to stay up earrrrly!" if he gets to stay up past his bedtime.

- Blake was gone and I said something about us all being together and he said "Not together yet- we need Daddy!"

- Every meal is breakfast.

- Asked me the other day "Is this popcorn gonna be in my tummy forever?"

- When he says his ABC's:  "H I J K and some N O P"

- We were playing outside and he and Walker were super into digging in the flower beds. All the sudden Brady started running real fast into the house and about 3 seconds after he got in I heard "Mommy!" I came in and saw him standing there and he said "I pooped in my pants. I kept telling my breakfast that it's not time yet but it kept saying it IS time." Guess the breakfast won that one!

- Told me the other day "I'm thinking bout you all the time." Also, he gets Walker one of whatever he's having (ex: at the dentist the other day he couldn't leave without getting a toothbrush for his brother) and says "I'm always thinking bout my baby."

- Also the other day said, "I am always thinkin' 'bout my best friend. Never anyone else. Just my best friend named Walker."

- Says "Mama I'm glad you're my family forever."

- Super into making up songs lately. His latest: "Building a Sailboat Not Time to Scream"

- Went up to walker the other day and 'whispered': "Come on, Walker, let's go do what we're not 'posed to."

- I told him to eat his breakfast and he said "Don't worry bout me, Mom. Just worry bout yourself."

- We were playing the other day and he said "Wait! An idea just flew into my mouth!" and later "I have a plan that just flew into my mouth!"



1 comment:

  1. Brady and his Bradyisms! It's good that you write it down, because unfortunately we forget some of those cute things later on!
