Monday, October 5, 2015

Brady's birthday celebration - Cake and presents!

I spent the night before Brady's birthday baking and decorating his cake. Luckily Nana and Grumps were able to come in early to entertain him while I took care of the cake and other birthday preparations. This was my first cake to make and it took several calls to my sister (who has become the cake queen in the last few years), a couple scares (My cake is leaning! The icing is too thin!) but it turned out good and it tasted delicious. I can't wait to make another one!

We went with a cow cake for obvious reasons. The boy loves cows...

After Brady went to bed, I decorated the stairway entrance for him to see when he woke up and came downstairs on his birthday. He loved it! The Mickey Mouse balloon is still inflated and he likes to put it on the seat next to him while he watches Mickey Mouse.

After we went to the zoo, we came home, rested up, and got ready to celebrate our two year old! We opened presents, had hot dogs, then cut the cake. Nana and Grumps were there with us and Courtnie, David and Drew came over to celebrate, too.  

He was really good at blowing out the candle; I kept having to re-light it!

And somewhere along the way he got the idea that he's supposed to take a big ol' bite outta the cake after the birthday song is over!

Little friends enjoying their cake. They are so cute together and have so much fun. They also fight like brother and sister; hitting and biting and screaming. It's pretty funny to watch them together.

And I think that does it for our birthday boy pictures! He had a fun day and I really enjoyed trying to make it special for him. I can't believe it's been two years since he was born. He keeps getting more and more fun! Can't wait to see what the next year brings us!

1 comment:

  1. These are great! Brady is SO TALL! I can't believe he's 2 already. And the cake was super cute! You are so talented!
