Friday, January 9, 2015

15 month checkup

We had Brady's 15 month checkup earlier this week. The months keep flying by! Doctor said Brady looks healthy and normal. Brady's personality was in full force at the appointment; when the doctor would talk to me and kind of laugh about something he or I said, Brady would put on his cheese face and do the loudest fake laugh. It was so funny; he had the doctor pretty tickled.

Brady weighed a little over 25 pounds and was 31.5 inches long. He continues to gain weight more quickly than other boys his age (doc said this is okay) and his height has evened out around the 55th percentile. He's a healthy, growing boy!

Brady also started drinking out of a big boy cup this week. He is doing really good with it and feels like such a grown up when he has a big cup. He totally ignored the food on his tray in favor of the orange juice in his big boy cup. If you know him, you know that 'ignoring food' is not on his normal list of activities!


  1. Just more of him to love!!! He is such a precious and funny little fellar!!! I love him soooooo much!!!

  2. He's so cute with his big boy cup! How on Earth is he already 15 months old? So crazy!
