Friday, August 22, 2014

11 months

Brady is 11 months old today. Almost one year! I can't believe it. Here are some of his recent developments:

-He gets SO excited when he sneezes. Blake and I always make such a big deal about it and say "A-CHOO bless you!" every time. He gets a kick out of it.

-He's started doing the fish face. It is adorable. I'll try to get a picture of it to share.

-He still has the same two teeth that he got over a month ago: one on top and one on bottom. Apparently that's all he needs - the boy can eat just about anything! He's got those two teeth working hard.
I can't get a good picture of his teeth to save my life!

-He loves to give sloppy kisses, mostly to Willa. Open-mouth, slobbery kisses. Mmm.

-He is obsessed with soft things! If he feels anything soft (including Willa), he will immediately lay his head down on whatever it is, turn his head to the right, put his right thumb in his mouth and rub on the soft object with his left hand. It's pretty cute.

-He can stand up on his own! He will stand for about 5-10 seconds then start clapping for himself and lose his balance. At first he would only do this if we were sitting with him but now I catch him practicing when he's playing by himself. He's getting so strong! I'm so proud of him.
He doesn't stand for very long in this video but it was so cute I had to include it.

-And... he can walk with his walker! It won't be long before he's running around all over the place!

-He's a little flirt. When he sees someone new and they say hello to him he turns his head to the side and gives the sweetest little smile before he completely wins them over with his sweet-talk.

-He LOVES to eat. The kid will eat anything. Blueberries are still his favorite but he eats pretty much everything we eat and isn't picky at all. I think he would eat all day long if we let him.

-He is still nursing but we are down to once or twice per day. He usually just nurses in the morning when he wakes up, and occasionally at night before bedtime. He seems to be weaning himself...

And our attempt at getting some 11 month pictures... As you can see, he doesn't really sit still...

Happy 11 months, my sweet boy! We love you!!


  1. He's almost a year old already! Unbelievable! Such a cutie boy and I can't wait to see him!!!

  2. Love your pictures! He is looking sooo grown up!! Can't wait to see all of you!

  3. He is such a doll and such entertainment. I really enjoyed visiting and playing with him this week! I love you Brady!

  4. This is my favorite!!! Love seeing what all's going on with him. What a cutie!!!
